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Proposed redevelopment of the block bordered by Buitengracht, Prestwich and Mechau Streets

  • Status: Draft Heritage Impact Assessment
  • Reference Number:: HWC23060204
  • Authority: Heritage Western Cape
  • Date of notice: 2024-05-16
  • Closing date: 2024-06-18

The City of Cape Town proposes a residentially led mixed-use development on the block bounded by Prestwich, Buitengracht and Mechau Streets, formerly part of the Buitengracht Street road scheme, as part of a process to regenerate and upgrade this area of the city. The existing historic pub will be incorporated into the proposed redevelopment.


The site is located on Erven 743-RE, 744, 745-RE, 181058, 758, 759, 748, 749, 750-RE, 758, at 21-29 Mechau Street, Cape Town.


An application is being made for authorisation to undertake activities identified in terms of Section 38 of the National Heritage resources Act (25 of 1999).


A public participation process will commence on Thursday 16 May 2024 with the publication of a draft Heritage Impact Assessment Report including Archaeological Impact Assessment, Townscape Assessment, Built Environment, Visual Impact Assessment and Socio-historic Study. Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are invited to register and provide heritage related comments on the draft HIA, which is available below. When registering or commenting, please provide your name and contact details. The 30-day commenting period will end on Tuesday, 18 June 2024.

Please direct your comments, queries, or concerns to the Environmental Assessment Practitioner by –

  • Sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Post to Infinity Environmental, Suite 17, Private Bag X11, Mowbray 7705
  • Completing the form on this page.

Commenting period is closed - Public Participation ended on the 18th of June 2024.