Proposed expansion of the Kuils River Cemetery
- Status: Environmental Authorisation
- Reference Number:: 16/3/3/1/A8/74/3028/24
- Date of notice: 2024-05-30
- Closing date: 2024-07-01
The City of Cape Town proposes to expand the Kuils River cemetery on erven 1368, 6282 and a portion of erf 1338.
Location: Kuils River, Cape Town.
Application is being made for adoption by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning for environmental authorisation in terms of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 and the EIA Regulations, 2014 (GNR 326 of 2017). The proposed expansion involves Activity 44 of Listing Notice 1 (GNR 327 of 2017) - the expansion of cemeteries by 2 500 square metres or more.
Application has also been made for Water Use (General Authorisation) in terms of the National Water Act (36 of 1998) Section 21 c and i for the impeding or diverting of water in a watercourse and the alteration of bed, banks, course, or characteristics of a watercourse occuring within the 500 m regulated area of the watercourse.
Opportunity to participate: A public participation process ended on Monday 01 July 2024.
A copy of the dBAR is available for download below:
For more information, to comment, or to arrange alternative ways of participating, please contact the Environmental Assessment Practitioner, Jeremy Rose, at
021 834 1602
Suite 17, Private Bag X11, Mowbray 7705